You can have fun at any casino as long as you gamble responsibly, and obey all the rules! However, sometimes we are not too sure which rules to go by, and what advice to listen to. The casino behavioral rules can vary from place to place, and each country will have another set of rules. If you want to enjoy your time and avoid being kicked out of a casino, keep on reading! Here, we will remind you what are some of the most common worldwide casino rules that both professionals and beginners should know about!
Top 12 Important Behavioral Rules in Casinos

Do not carry your phone – or at least turn it off
We all live with our phones nowadays, and we take them pretty much everywhere we go. However, you should turn off your phone before you enter the casino, or even better – leave it in your hotel room. Most casinos are not okay with you answering the phone or taking calls during games. You already know that taking pictures is a big no-no, right? Better to be safe than sorry, so think twice when it comes to your phone.
Make sure to follow a dress code, if there is one
Some casinos have strict rules that will tell you how to dress, and what to avoid. In most cases, you should show up in a dressy shirt or some type of formal pants. Often you will run into bouncers who are in charge when it comes to letting people into the casino, so dress in a business-casual way and avoid sporty shoes, tank tops, as well as sunglasses.
Smoking is not allowed
Most cigarettes, as well as Cuban cigars, are not allowed in casinos. This means that you shouldn’t bring your tobacco with you. However, if you want that nicotine boost or if you’re in need of something practical which is also allowed, go for e-liquids and vaporizers! You can experiment and test out plenty of different flavors at VaporSolo, and enjoy their blend of rich, creamy, as well as smooth flavors whenever & wherever you please!

Know how to handle chips before you begin to gamble
Are you familiar with gambling rules? Make sure to approach a table with your minimum and maximum bet. Simply place the money in front of you and buy the chips without talking to or bothering the dealer. However, do not buy the chips during a hand, spin, or a throw. Be cautious about this and do not annoy your tablemates.
Don’t touch the chips from other players
This is a common mistake that people tend to make without even realizing it. You shouldn’t touch the chips of other players, no matter the game, and even if you were asked to pass them over. You are in charge of your chips only, so do not ask someone else or even the croupier to watch them over. Be very tactical and familiar with these rules before you begin the game.
Tip the dealer in every game
Most beginners and rookies tend to make this mistake. However, know that there is an established custom to tip the dealer during the play, or at least at the end of your game. You can give them 1-5$, but this truly depends if the stakes are high and if you’re already playing with a higher sum of money.

Stay patient and do not act violently
Stay patient and do not expect results within the first couple of minutes of the game. Wait patiently for other players as well to get into their zone, but especially and most importantly – be patient for your turn. Do not take someone else’s chair and wait for your turn at table games and at slot machines.
Watch out for your Blackjack etiquette
Good table manners are necessary at any and every casino. If you plan on playing blackjack, make proper hand gestures, and do no throw off other players. Some players can also act irrationally when they lose their money, which is why the security will come in and kick them out of the casino!
Leave the selfie stick at home, or at your hotel
Although we are often tempted to capture each and every moment and post it to our social media, try to resist the urge for this one. Casinos do not like nor welcome kindly customers who are taking pictures or flashing their selfie stick around. If this is your first time visiting Los Vegas or any casino for that matter, be polite and respect the rules, as well as the privacy.

Do not drink too much
Casinos will offer you different kinds of delicious beverages, as well as an amazing time. However, it is up to you to resist the urge to finish the entire bottle on your own. Do not act tipsy, and do not play any card or slot machine games when intoxicated – chances are you will lose money quicker than you’d like.
Don’t ask the dealer for their help or advice
You have to understand the rules before you take your seat and begin the game. Try to gamble with confidence and without asking the dealer for their tips – this is a big no-no in the casino world. It will leave your dealer feeling awkward and the whole situation can get uncomfortable.
Manage your bankroll
This one may seem simple, but the truth is that we can get lost and carried away in the heat of a moment. Make sure to follow the essential rules if you are a beginner. So, how much money are you willing to lose (spend) by the end of the night? Wager properly and be smart and cautious with your belongings. If you do end up spending too much, make sure that you step away from the game, and give something else a go, or rather head home.