Online poker games and poker rooms have become an integral part of our everyday life and a very important area in the poker world. From today’s perspective, the ’80s, when the poker game required a few friends ready to invest money, a matching table for a game and a deck of cards seem so far away.
The benefits compared to real-life poker are numerous. Some of them are:
- The opponent does not see you, so you do not have to worry that with some motion or facial expression you will discover your potential bluff. This is a fantastic thing if you are not so experienced, or if you generally a nervous person
- Online poker rooms at any time of day or night offer a lot of tournament and cash games. This means you don’t have to wait for a certain event to enjoy poker. Also, you won’t have to bother with transport, which takes time and requires additional costs as well
- You do not have to travel to a casino that offers Texas Holdem poker, you just turn on the PC, register, and you’re ready to play
- You can play directly from your mobile. This virtually means everywhere. A bedroom, park, public transport – it doesn’t matter, as long you have a good internet connection
- There is no fear of possible robbery while carrying a pile of money with you after a good evening at the tables. All online casinos offer a variety of payment methods, which are not just perfectly safe, but also very convenient
- You can play multiple tables simultaneously. If you are strong in multi-tasking, this can bring you extra profit
- Online, you can choose between all variations of poker and that’s not the case with most brick and mortar facilities
- You can play online at tables where a couple of dollars is more than enough. That’s perfect for beginners and those on a tight budget. On the other side, wagering is usually much higher in real world
- You can collect a welcome bonus before you play to get more money to play for. Make sure to compare before you deposit at an online casino to get the best terms.
Types of poker

There are several variants of poker games, with many special games within these variants. Here are some of the most popular ones:
Straight poker
Straight poker is the oldest of all poker variants. In straight poker, each player gets five cards face-down, and these five cards make up their hand. Best cards win. Betting takes place in one round and players can raise or re-raise another player’s stake.
Stud poker
In stud poker, players get cards alternately, face-down, or face turned upwards in multiple rounds. Bets are after each round. Seven Card Stud is the most popular stud game that is played today, in which the player gets seven cards to compile the best hand of five cards. Just like the straight poker, you can only use cards you’ve initially received to get the best hand
Draw Poker
Draw poker games start by giving each player five cards face down. After the initial round of betting, players are allowed to replace cards that they do not want from their own hands and get new cards instead. Once again, there are numerous variations in terms of the number of cars that can be traded. In most cases, they go up to three cards.
Community poker
Community poker games are today most popular, especially when it comes to online poker. In the poker community, players are given fewer cards than they need to complete their entire hand and they are turned face down. To complete their own hands, they choose community cards from the table that are face-up. These cards can be used by all players, who combine them with cards they already have, in order to make the best five-card poker hand.
The most popular poker games played today are Texas Hold’em, Omaha and 7-Card Stud.
Texas Hold’em poker is probably the most popular poker game today. The reason lays in relatively simple rules which keep dynamics at high levels. As we are talking about a typical community poker game, there are five community cards to be revealed. Betting takes place in four rounds – after hole cards are dealt, then after the third, fourth and fifth community card is revealed. Players make their best hands with a combination of hole and community cards.
Things with Omaha are similar, but there are also a couple of notable differences. First of all, the number of hole cards is four, while there are also five community cards. All community cards are revealed at the same time and players have to make their best hand of cars by using two of their hole and three of the community cards.
The 7-Card Stud is a little bit different. There are seven cards – three up and four down. So, players have to make their best hands of five, by using these seven cards.
How to deposit and withdraw?

Another thing you should consider is the payment method. Fortunately, things are pretty simple these days. You can use all kinds of credit cards and debit cards. Depending on the part of the world, there is also a variety of pre-paid cards, bank transfers, e-checks, as well as third-party eWallets.
All these methods are very reliable and the only potential issue is that, in most cases, you will have to wait for a couple of days to get money in your bank account. If you want something quicker, consider Skrill and Neteller cars, but keep in mind potentially higher fees. Most players are turning to direct bank transfers these days, as they’ve become way faster than before. Also, this is by far the best method in terms of privacy, as you don’t have to share any of your personal information with an online casino.
You can read more about payment methods for online casinos at Foxbonus. For example if you are a Canadian player you can find all the information at and if you are player from Ireland you can find it here:
How to Find Best Online Casinos to Play Poker

These days, that’s quite easy, as we believe that there is no casino website that doesn’t have some form of poker in its offer. Of course, a good piece of advice would be to stick with major and most renowned websites. There, you can play virtually every common poker game, and also count on nice welcome bonuses, more payment methods etc.
These casinos usually offer all kinds of poker game variations but keep in mind that good players are usually concentrated around such websites. Therefore, smaller websites are also worth trying, especially if they offer a poker game you prefer. Also, wagers are probably lower on these websites, while there is also less chance to run into some really good players that can take your money with ease.