Due to the pandemic, entertainment hubs have faced a major shock. Not only are they suffering financially, people, too, but are also feeling claustrophobic for not getting their favorite entertainment. Poker game is no exception to this. If you a game addict or even a practitioner, you know what we are talking about!
Thanks to the internet, gamers are a bit contented. The popularity of online poker sites like IDRQQ is rapidly increasing. The reason is their outstanding convenience. Not only that you can play your favorite game from the comfort of your home, but you also need not wait for other players to arrive. Someone or other is always active as these sites enable you to play on a global level. So you can play whenever you want. Further, you don’t have to settle for a specific type of game that the club can arrange. Here you can try your hands on a repository of numerous games from all around the world. Playing becomes more of a comfortable experience as you can seamlessly transact money from your bank account through net banking and receive the same in a similar manner.
However, the experience varies from one to another since everyone is not accustomed to playing poker online. If you belong to the group who has just been introduced or rather compelled to play the game online, we understand the discomfort and trouble you are facing. It’s not even impossible for the table pros to lose several games when it comes to online. No worry as we are here to help. We will walk you through a guideline of how you can play poker online as smoothly as you could offline. Check out the following tips.

Prepare a fast strategy
Online games are usually faster than playing games on the table. Generally, in a full ring live game, around 30 hands are dealt per hour. On the other hand, during an online game, about 60 to 80 hands can be dealt per hour. Naturally, live games have more downtime as compared to online cash poker games. So you must be prepared and come up with strategies real quick.
Start with smaller stakes
We don’t undermine your talent on a live game but online is a different world. Most often, people lose bucks, not for lacking expertise, but an experience. And you got to admit, every type of game (offline or online) has its exclusive sets of strategies. It’s better to consider yourself as the beginner (even if you are a pro) while coming to the online poker platform and start with smaller stakes. Once you gain enough confidence and some speed, show your game and stun the rest.

Tools – Learn all about it
In a live poker game, you mainly have to rely on your skills but virtual tables offer you various tools. These have both the pros and cons. While these can effectively help you win rounds, if you are not accustomed to their usage, you may lose! So, learn tools like poker tracker, hold the manager, PIO solver etc.
Choose the right site
Selecting an online poker website is a crucial decision and it has a huge impact in determining how your experience will turn out to be. Often, inexperienced and less the savvy players fall prey of fraud and fake sites. In the case of an offline gaming parlor or casino, you have every liberty to go round and check for its authenticity. However, with the rising demand in the online poker game, numerous websites are coming up and often it’s challenging to assess their genuineness.
Try to read as many reviews about the site as possible, watch out what people like and dislike about the site and more importantly, if they are recommending the site. You can also talk to your community and friends to get to an authentic website. Further, don’t get allured by a huge welcome bonus on registering on a gaming portal. This can be a trick to lead you to lose more money. As you know, not everything that shines is gold! Be cautious and you are good to go.

Play with your friends
The online platform is an ideal place to play with the players from all around the web but it can be tricky as well. You don’t always know how they are going to perform, how much experience of online poker games they are bringing to the table, and how fast, aggressive, and strategic they are. Chances are that they can win the first few hands and make you feel vulnerable, confused, and nervous. And as a pro poker player, you must know how much calm and cool you need to be while playing poker, right?
Rely on your friends to boost your confidence. Online poker sites allow you to invite your friends and play on a table without any hassle. The biggest advantage of it is that you know the expertise level of your friends. And if you are new to this, so are they. So this is more of an equal game.
Play for real cash
This is a basic tip that you should remember while playing pokers online. In the offline casinos, there’re two types of rewards – cash and coins. Here too, you can win real cash and virtual coins. Now, winning coins in casinos is beneficial to cause you can play with that the next day. Usually, people visit the same casino time and again for a long period of time. However, in the case of online games, you may find a website to be unfruitful for you and feel uncomfortable in playing there time and again. In that case, you will have to change the site in favor of a new one. And that virtual money will have no value then. So you better select real cash as rewards.

We hope the tips will help you to enhance your game skills and win more rounds at ease. Try these and thank us later!